Welcome to SeleMak v1.0 Template


Thank you for purchasing my template. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here. Thanks so much!


Get in Touch


"SeleMak" is HTML template so there's no really "installation" required just unzip the main file you've downloaded from Themeforest and after unziping you have your all template ready to be used.


Mobile Menu

We have used Responsive Multi-Level Menu by www.codrops.com

No. File Name File Description
01. js/jquery.dlmenu.js Mobile menu javascript file
02. css/component.css Mobile menu css


We have called dlmenu() at js/custom.js

* Mobile Menu
$( '#dl-menu' ).dlmenu();

For more information please visit here

Slider (sequence.js)


Sequence.js slider is used with custom theme.

File Name Description
js/jquery.js jQuery library.
js/jquery.sequence-min.js jQuery sequence.js script
css/sequence-looptheme.css sequence.js theme

HTML Markup

<div id="sequence" class="mb50"> <div class="sequence-prev"><i class="icon-angle-left"></i></div><!-- .sequence-prev --> <div class="sequence-next"><i class="icon-angle-right"></i></div><!-- .sequence-next --> <ul class="sequence-canvas"> <li class="animate-in"> <div class="sl-caption fadeTop delay300" data-x="650" data-y="100"><h2>Welcome to SeleMak</h2></div> <div class="sl-caption fadeBottom delay400" data-x="650" data-y="155">Some Text Here</div> <div class="sl-button fadeBottom delay500" data-x="650" data-y="210"><a href="#" class="button large"><i class="icon-shopping-cart"></i> Buy Now</a></div> <img src="photos/slide-bg-1.jpg" class="sl-background">

</li><!-- .animate-in --> </ul><!-- .sequence-canvas --> <ul class="sequence-pagination"></ul> <!-- .sequence-pagination --> </div><!-- #sequence -->

CSS Class and ID List

No. Class/ID Class/ID Description
01. #sequence Main Sequence container
02. .sl-caption Caption container class
03. .sequence-prev Slider Previous controll
04. .sequence-next Slider Next controll
05. .sequence-canvas Slider Canvas. Main container of slider
06. .sl-button Button container class
07. .sequence-pagination Sequence pagination class
08. .sl-background Background Image of Slider

Delay Class

Delay for Transition.

No. Class Class/ID Description
01. .delay300 0.3s Delay
02. .delay350 0.35s Delay
03. .delay400 0.4s Delay
04. .delay450 0.45s Delay
05. .delay500 0.5s Delay
06. .delay550 0.55s Delay
07. .delay600 0.6s Delay
08. .delay650 0.65s Delay
09. .delay700 0.7s Delay
10. .delay750 0.75s Delay
11. .delay800 0.8s Delay
12. .delay850 0.85s Delay
13. .delay900 0.9s Delay
14. .delay950 0.95s Delay
15. .delay1000 1s Delay
16. .delay1050 1.05s Delay
17. .delay1100 1.1s Delay
18. .delay1150 1.15s Delay
19. .delay1200 1.2s Delay
20. .delay1250 1.25s Delay
21. .delay1300 1.3s Delay
22. .delay1350 1.35s Delay
23. .delay1400 1.4s Delay
24. .delay1450 1.45s Delay
25. .delay1500 1.5s Delay
26. .delay1550 1.55s Delay
27. .delay1600 1.6s Delay
28. .delay1650 1.65s Delay
29. .delay1700 1.7s Delay
30. .delay1750 1.75s Delay
31. .delay1800 1.8s Delay

Transition Class

No. Class Class/ID Description
01. .fadeLeft Fade from left
02. .fadeBottom Fade from bottom
03. .fadeRight Fade from right
04. .fadeTop Fade from top
05. .fadeRotateBottom Fade Rotate Bottom
06. .fadeRotateTop Fade Rotate Top
07. .fadeRotate Fade Rotate
08. .fadeRotatePlus Fade Rotate Plus
09. .fade3DRotateX Fade 3D Rotate X
10. .fade3DRotateY Fade 3D Rotate Y
11. .fadeScale Fade Scale
12. .fadeScaleX Fade Scale X
13. .fadeScaleY Fade Scale Y
14. .fadeSkew Fade with Skew
15. .formLeft From Left
16. .formRight From Right
17. .formTop From Top
18. .formBottom From Bottom


We have called sequence() at js/custom.js

* sequence.js slider
nextButton: true,
prevButton: true,
pagination: false,
animateStartingFrameIn: true,
autoPlay: true,
autoPlayDelay: 3000,
preloader: true,
preloadTheseFrames: [1],
navigationSkip: false,

For more information see Sequence doc.

Note: Sequence doc only provide JavaScript setting.

Slider (BxSlider)


BxSlider is used for Recent Works, Testimonials and Our Clients sliding

File Name Description
js/jquery.js jQuery library.
js/jquery.bxslider.min.js jQuery Bxslider script
css/jquery.bxslider.css Bxslider CSS


We have called bxSlider() at js/custom.js

* Recent Work, Testimonials and Clients Slider
$('.testimonials-slider, .clients-slider, .recent-works').bxSlider({
pager: false,
speed: 1000,
stopAuto: false,
autoHover: true,
nextText: '<i class="icon-angle-right"></i>',
prevText: '<i class="icon-angle-left"></i>',
infiniteLoop: false,
hideControlOnEnd: true

For more information please visit BxSlider

Slider (Flex)

To setup Flex Slider.

File Name Description
js/jquery.flexslider-min.js Flex Slider jQuery Plugin
css/flexslider.css Flex Slider CSS
We need to hook up your script by calling flexslider() in js/custom.js

* Single Portfolio Slider
animation: "slide",
controlNav: false,
animationLoop: false,
slideshow: false,
itemWidth: 100,
itemMargin: 5,
asNavFor: '#slider'
animation: "slide",
controlNav: false,
animationLoop: false,
slideshow: false,
sync: "#carousel"

For more information please visit Flex Slider 2 Website.

Portfolio Filter (quicksand)

For portfolio filter, we have used quicksand jquery plugin.

File Name Description
js/jquery.quicksand.js quicksand javascript file
js/jquery-animate-css-rotate-scale.js css rotate and scale javascript file


 * Portfolio Gallery filter
var jQueryfilterType = $('#filter input[name="filter"]');
var jQueryapplications = $('#gallery');
var jQuerydata = jQueryapplications.clone();

jQueryfilterType.change(function(e) {
	quicksand_filter (800);

function quicksand_filter (duration) {
	if ($('#filter input[name="filter"]:checked').val() == 'all') {
		var jQueryfilteredData = jQuerydata.find('li');
	} else {
		var jQueryfilteredData = jQuerydata.find('li[data-type~=' + $('#filter input[name="filter"]:checked').val() + ']');

	jQueryapplications.quicksand(jQueryfilteredData, {
		duration : duration,
		easing : 'swing',
		adjustWidth: '100%',
		useScaling : true,
		selector: '> li',
		enhancement : function(c) {

			$("a[data-rel^='prettyPhoto']").prettyPhoto({theme: 'light_rounded'});
quicksand_filter (8);

$(window).resize(function () {
	quicksand_filter (80);

For more information please visit here

Image Zoom Sandbox (prettyPhoto)

For zoom portfolio image and other image we have used prettyPhoto.

No. File Name File Description
01. js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js prettyPhoto javascript file
02. css/pp.css prettyPhoto css file


We have called prettyPhoto() at js/custom.js

 * prettyPhoto
$("a[data-rel^='prettyPhoto']").prettyPhoto({theme: 'light_rounded'});

For more information please visit here

jQuery UI Tab

We have used jQuery UI Tab

No. File Name File Description
01. js/jquery.ui.core.min.js jQuery UI Core
02. js/jquery.ui.widget.min.js jQuery UI Widget
03. js/jquery.ui.tabs.min.js jQuery UI Tabs


We have called tab() at js/custom.js

 * jQuery UI Tabs
$( "#tabs" ).tabs();

For more information please visit here

jQuery UI Accordion

We have used jQuery UI Accordion.

No. File Name File Description
01. js/jquery.ui.core.min.js jQuery UI Core
02. js/jquery.ui.widget.min.js jQuery UI Widget
03. js/jquery.ui.accordion.min.js jQuery UI Accordion


We have called accordio() at js/custom.js

 * jQuery UI Accordion
$( "#accordion" ).accordion({
	heightStyle: "content",
	icons: {
		activeHeader: "icon-angle-up",
		header: "icon-angle-down"

For more information please visit here

Google Map (GMAP3)

For google map we uesed jQuery GMAP3 Plugin.

No. File Name File Description
01. js/gmap3.min.js jQuery GMAP3 Plugin


We have called gmap3() at contact.html and shortcodes.html

* Google Map
address: "Envato, Level 13, 2 Elizabeth St, Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia"
zoom: 14

For more information please visit here

Our Clients (Black and White)

Our clients images normaly is Black and White, On hover it's colorfull. To make this I have selected jQuery Black and White jQuery Plugin.

No. File Name File Description
01. js/jquery.BlackAndWhite.min.js jQuery Black and White Plugin


We have called BlackAndWhite() at js/custom.js

* Our Client Black and White image
webworkerPath : false,
speed: {
fadeIn: 200,
fadeOut: 800

For more information please visit here


jQuery Knob Plugin for skills.

No. File Name File Description
01. js/jquery.knob.js jQuery Knob Plugin


We have called knob() at js/custom.js

* Skill progress
'draw': function() {
if (this.cv.indexOf('%') > 0) {
this.cv = this.cv.slice(0, this.cv.length - 1);
return $(this.i).val(this.cv + "%");


HTML code:

<div class="skill mb50">
<input class="knob" disabled="disabled" data-readonly="true" data-width="170" data-height="170" data-min="0" data-thickness="0.22" data-angleoffset="0" data-displayprevious="true" value="88" data-fgcolor="#1cc6da" data-bgcolor="#f2f5f7">
</div><!-- skill -->

For more information please visit here


If you still feel you need for support. Please send me email by themeforest user contact form click here.

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this theme. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this theme. No guarantees, but I'll do my best to assist. If you have a more general question relating to the themes on ThemeForest, you might consider visiting the forums and asking your question in the "Item Discussion" section.


© CantoThemes 2013